Friday, November 7, 2014

1) I think it's good recognition for the state and the youth.
2) It all really depends on how she handles herself. We all know how old men can be, they may not take her seriously. She has the potential to do great work in her office. I just hope her plate doesn't become too heavy and things start to not get handled. In other words, as long as she didn't bite off more than she could chew, she'll do great.
3.) I think she will do great. She might be young but just because she is young doesn't mean she can't do the job. She  oviously done good enough she won!
David McKinley, a democrat won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives for WV with 65% of the vote. We have elections because, the U.S. is a place of democracy and the people run the land. Every vote is important, each one could make or break a poll,

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My opion on this article is very stupid! There are a couple of things that make since but some of them do not. I really think making funny faces at a dog is the worse law ever, and can't kill a housefly 160 feet from a church. I also think some of these should be a law in barbour county but most of them or most people wouldnt pass any of these at all. I CAN SPIT WHERE I WANT!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Andrew Johnson
17th U.S. president

Ability to handle and deal with a crisis-

Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet

Character and Integrity



Foreign Policy

Relates to the common man


Political Experience

Public speaking & Communication


Monday, October 13, 2014

No, this does not surprise me about anything social!

No, privacy does not exist when you deal with anything electronic like texting, facebook, twitter, and ext.. There is always a way for other people to get into your stuff! no matter what it is! The technology these days are very interesting and very smart.

Friday, October 10, 2014

1. )I think it is her choice on how she wants to go. But i also beleive  if she kills herself she wont like the after life!

2.)Suicide is something that you get bullied or something and you get pressured into it.
Euthanasia is something where you are sick an going to die anyways and you go ahead and take your own life. 
I fill that there is a big difference in suicide and Euthanasia, You won't like your after life if you just commited suicide but if you are sick and going to die anyways why try.

3.) I would be terrified it would be so hard to be able to set and watch yourself die! I think it is very depressing. I would not kill myself in front of my family, but I understand she wants too see her family the last few minutes of her life.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Articles that you have to put in a bunch of things to fill out an answer a bunch of questions that are unnecessary. you have to have it to read the article.

I get so irritated and an instantly unfollow the post.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

No, he should not have gotten the penality but in the reffs point he might not known that he wasnt celebrating,  This is the 1 admendment press! I would take my helment off an follow all the rules. Take the helment off an put your fourhead to the ground and pray! religion is not a penality.
They will get more into the rape thing. I think its very wrong that they take a womens word over a mans word because Sometimes a Man won't be lying the women would be lying.

I think they will be alot harder on the women than the man!!! I think it is rediculous the whole situation.

Monday, September 29, 2014

they banned social media. they are taking away all the freedon that anyone has its there right to do as they please.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Research shows how ISIS has gone from being a purely military force to building a system that can provide basic services.  ISIS bureaucratic hierarchy looks a lot like those of some of the Western countries whose values it rejects

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The reasonable punishment is he should not have done it in front of 20 different people but he got what he deserved. I think every kid needs there butts beat more the would be more success. 

They do not allow paddles in school. I think they need to bring it back they do not allow parents to smack there very own kid they call it child abuse. Society would have been and could have been so much better if they would have still had paddling in school they would have been so much better off.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Fred Mayor is a very old man but he still works his hands to the bone. I don't think anyone should judge him due to the fact he was beaten for many days. He led on the most intense an daring spy mission in world war II. He voluntarly went back to germany where they began the beaten.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

2- Right to bare arms.
3-Right to not have to quarter Soldiers and seizures
4-Right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures
5-Right to grand jury indictment, no double jeopardy, freedom from selfincrimination, due process of law
6-Right to be informed of charges be present when witnesses speak in court to call defense witnesses to have a lawyer.
7-Right to a jury trial in civil cases
8-Freedom from excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment
9-Guarantee of rights not listed in Constitution
10-Rights of states and people

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Rick perry is accused of running a district attorney over. They say he crossed a political legal line. He is getting charged with two different charges. He is now a felony an is spending jail time.

I disagree with him being the only one being punished. I do not think it is right. She needs to be introuble just like he is. Facing jail time an being taken to court. This is just what i think.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

1.) No, very stranger things happen. It happens everyday this is why you shouldnt even think about sending nude photos.
2.) No i do not worry about what I post or send because it is not nothing that the public couldnt see. I dont send nothing that im ashamed of.
3.) I do not think they should get prosecuted, but yes some trouble wouldnt hurt. but You shouldnt put nude pictures on the internet because anyone can see it.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Article 1- Legislative Branch
Article 2-Executive Branch
Article 3-Judical Branch
Article 4-National Goverment
Article 5-Admendment process
Article 6-Supreme Law Of Land
Article 7-Ratification

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The nail polish is very helping in some situations. It could also be bad in some situations. What if you go on a date an have sexual intercourse an it turns colors. If youd get mad at the lucky one all you would have to do is say "he raped me" when it probley isnt true. So I think it would be good but bad. This is just some of what I think.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The United States has a better view of the militants in Iraq.  The military wants a clearer picture of the Jihadist militants who are operating in Syria. Surveillance and Reconnaissance missions over Syria was contained in the execution for the airstrikes.

Monday, August 25, 2014

The earthquake hit early in the morning it woke many people up. It sent 100 people to the hospital to be treated. It was a 6.0 earthquake.they had alot of cleaning jobs to do. it took awhile to get everything back together. City and country fire crews worked over time to restore services to residents.

Friday, August 22, 2014

The Three biggest problems of the United States are people not working an getting on welfare, Electronic uses, and Internet. This is the three biggest problems i think need to be fixed. We have to many Lazy people to miuch cell phone use for all the wrong reasons, and The internet is coming out with all these new social media sites.

The First problem im gonna tell you some reasons why I think it is the biggest problem. There are people out there that can work but chose not to so they decide to get on welfare. The reason they do that is because why get a job if you can live off of all the workers income. You don't have to leave your house an still get paid for it. I also think what would resolve this problem is make whoever sighs up for welfare take a drug screening.

Electronic uses, is another big problem. It's such a big problem because kids don't know how to do anything but work on a cell phone. They need to take all cell phones from kids until you graduate or get more into the rules. Yes, i use a cell phone but i do not use it during classes. The reason to resolve this problem is get more strict on rules.

Internet, social media sites is getting really bad. All the people that have them have to much fun. There is always threats and bullying. So much of this world is taking over by social sites. I think need to do away with all this sites just for a year to see how much better this world would be. I think it would be the best to get people steared away from the sites.

These are just some of the reason I think welfare, electronic uses, and Internet Social Media sites are bad. I'm sorry if i offended you or anyone else. I work for my money but it takes half of my pay check to pay for the Lazy people. Lets work on fixing these problems and get kids concentrated on school work and the job life.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The New Study Debunks Big Corporation arguement about taxes is mainly about people who think they pay to much. The U.S tax codes are so unfair. The enversion was forced by congress which has refused to lower corporates tax rates. This makes the buisenesses more competitive. Larger companys find every loophole, and want to pay less.

The purpose of taxes is to pay for the people on welfare, and to pay the goverment.

The ones that should pay more taxes is the ones that have a buisness and or rich.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

You are never supposed to give an officers name that is involved in the shooting or in any other accidents.
They throw tear gas at people to clear the area.

I think that excessive force is used to extreme, in the case of micheal brown. They took it all to extreme.

I think he should get treated the way that he treated others.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My three goals for next year is to get good grades, Prevent some bully from happening around me, and the last goal for this year is accomplish my dreams an graduate from Philip Barbour High School.

The next five years i have two goals i will accomplish the two goals are to get a good job, and have my own living area.

Ten years later..... My goals will be to have a wonderful little family, and last but not least live happily ever after!